Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
CLEAN.ZIP | Yes | 84907 | 1/6/1994 | Clean allows you to globally select and selectively delete groups of files. (Curt Blackmon) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CLEANUP.ZIP | Yes | 114771 | 7/31/1993 | CleanUp For Windows 1.0 ASP locate/tag/remove unneeded files from your hard disk. (David R. Foley) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $33) |
CLENUPW.ZIP | Yes | 25700 | 1/5/1991 | Cleanup for Windows 1.0 is a rapid file deletion utility which will clean up specified files in all directories on specified disks. Multiple drives can be searched and wildcards may be used. There is a confirm option available for safety. A DOS version is also included. (Carol Svenconis) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CLENZR1A.ZIP | Yes | 1385960 | 5/5/1994 | Clenzer 1.00 is a tool for cleaning large, cluttered hard drives. It can search for the largest files on a drive, or specific files (READ.ME, BAK files, etc.). After the search, a list of files can be saved or printed, or you can delete files from the list. (1 of 2, also requires CLENZR1B.ZIP) (Rob Robinson) (Reg.Fee: $0-$5) |
CLENZR1B.ZIP | Yes | 258680 | 5/5/1994 | See CLENZR1A.ZIP |
CLN.ZIP | Yes | 25259 | 6/23/1993 | Clean 1.0 will search an entire hard disk for files matching a specified file mask, such as *.BAK, and delete them. (Freestyle Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DDTRASH.ZIP | Yes | 14490 | 9/22/1993 | Drag & Drop Trashcan a file deletion utility that attaches itself to the WIN31 File Manager. Options include stay on top, confirmation of delete, and more. (Olaf Hess) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FLUSH.ZIP | Yes | 70613 | 10/13/1993 | Flush 1.0 allows you to override the delayed write feature found in many disk caches, and write the cache contents instantly to disk. It supports SmartDrive, NCACHE, SpeedDrive, Superpck, PCache, and Qcache. (Richard A. Bross) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FSD130A.ZIP | Yes | 9894 | 5/9/1994 | File Seek & Destroy 1.30a allows you to search a drive for specific files and gives you the opportunity to easily delete them. Requires VBRUN300. (Clyde W. Grotophorst) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
JS_TRA10.ZIP | Yes | 23083 | 6/6/1994 | JS-Trash 1.0 is a drag and drop file deletion utility for Windows. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
MBTCAN.ZIP | Yes | 37106 | 8/22/1993 | Micro-Trashcan 2.0 is an animated file dumper for WIN31 File Manager. Requires VBRUN300. (Fred Freel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MRCLEAN.ZIP | Yes | 60215 | 2/15/1994 | Mister Clean 2.1 allows you to search for and delete files that fall into specified date and size criteria. (Bob Dolan) (Reg.Fee: $10-15) |
SE_WIN.ZIP | Yes | 75090 | 11/17/1992 | Safe Erase - Windows 1.0 helps manage deleted files. You simply drag a file you want deleted to the program's icon, and it makes an image of the file that can be retrieved if you change your mind. Image files are given unique names to allow for multiple instances of a deleted file. Options are provided to compress the image files to conserve disk space. Image files can be manually erased or automatically erased after a specific number of days. (Wil Garcia) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
SEV210.ZIP | Yes | 95166 | 5/12/1994 | SafeErase 2.10 helps you safely manage deleted files. It makes an archive of the file before it is deleted, which can then be restored when needed. These archive files are given unique names to allow for multiple instances of a deleted file. The files can be manually erased once you decide they are no longer needed, or the program can auto-erase them after a user-defined number of days. This is a very handy utility, with an easy to use drag and drop interface with sound and animation. (Wil Garcia) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
TOILET.ZIP | Yes | 47700 | 4/19/1992 | Toilet is a unique file deletion utility for Windows 3.1. You simply drag a file or group of files from File Manager to the toilet icon. These files then become hidden, and are not actually deleted until you "flush" (complete with a watery sound effect). Files can be restored prior to "flushing". (Robert E. Frazier) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
TRASH20.ZIP | Yes | 14701 | 4/22/1994 | Trash 2.0b is a drag-and-drop file deletion utility for WIN31. It allows you to quickly and easily delete files and directories using a desktop trashcan. (Ralf Glogau) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
TRASHCN.ZIP | Yes | 6059 | 5/4/1992 | Trash Can 1.4 is a drag-and-drop file deletion utility for Windows 3.1 File Manager. You simply drag a file or set of files to the trash can icon, and they are deleted without requiring the usual confirmation that File Manager demands. (Priority Software, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TRSH_AL.ZIP | Yes | 13873 | 8/6/1992 | Trash 1.0B is an animated file deletion utility. You simply drag a file from File Manager, and drop it on the toilet-shaped icon. The lid opens, and the file goes "down the drain". An option is provided to delete subdirectories also. (AnarkSoft Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TRSH251.ZIP | Yes | 35231 | 6/2/1994 | Trashcan 2.51 is a drag and drop file deletion utility for WIN31. (Tri-State Consultants) (Reg.Fee: $8 Pounds) |
TRSHMAN.ZIP | Yes | 62463 | 6/30/1993 | Trash Manager 2.0a effectively emulates the Macintosh trashcan. You can drag files from File Manager into it, and they will be moved to a hidden directory. Double-clicking on the icon brings up a list of files that can then be deleted or restored to their original location. All contents in the trashcan are saved until you explicitly empty the trash. (CheckBox Software) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
WINCLEN.ZIP | Yes | 160542 | 8/22/1993 | WinClean 1.2 helps locate and remove all files from an application installed in Windows. (Ranier M. Baltruweit) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
WINDRX.ZIP | Yes | 7168 | 4/22/1994 | WinDirex 1.01 allows you to quickly and easily delete files from a directory list. You simply pick the file, and blow it away. A confirmation option helps keep you from deleting anything important. (Scott Wenzel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WSH11A.ZIP | Yes | 71528 | 1/25/1994 | Windows Shredder deletes files with a simulated paper shredder with sound and animation. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. (Michael Haschka) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
WSH12.ZIP | Yes | 91604 | 2/15/1994 | WinShred 1.2 deletes files with a simulated paper shredder with sound and animation. (Michael Haschka) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
ZDELNT.ZIP | Yes | 32832 | 10/11/1993 | zDEL 2.11 is a file and directory deletion tool for Windows NT. Multiple filespecs may be specified to delete files and exclude files. Other features include the ability to scan all logical drives, a "wipe" option for file security, and more. (P & J's Software) (Reg.Fee: $1-5) |
ZIPITUP.ZIP | Yes | 141985 | 5/10/1994 | ZipItUp 1.0 deletes uncompressed files in a directory that are identical to a member of the target ZIP file, leaving the ZIP file itself untouched. Requires VBRUN300. (Brian F. Stephenson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |